Building your Profile

How do I post my past work?

Navigate to your account page → My Work → New Project to go through the Post a Project flow. This allows you to post photos/videos from your photo library onto your NOVA profile. You can also attach other information about the project like Project Type (i.e. Music Video, Commercial, Short Film, etc.) and you can link the crew that contributed.

Can I tag crew on projects that aren’t on NOVA?

Yes! Click Add crew members → Type in the name of the crew member in the search bar → Click Add and select the role they completed.

How can I edit my profile?

Navigate to your account page → My Profile → Click the edit pencil in the upper right hand corner to edit the contents of your profile within any of the three tabs - Work, About, Contact.

Can I make my profile private?

On NOVA, your profile is your portfolio. It’s a representation of your professional work and is showcased on the platform to both creatives and hiring entities alike. Due to this usage, all NOVA profiles are public.

Am I allowed to post copyrighted content on NOVA?

As a platform, we are required to uphold copyright laws and regulations. This means that any content shared or posted must respect the rights of creators and adhere to copyright guidelines or usage agreements. In compliance with these laws, we are obligated to act upon any valid Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) takedown requests we receive.