YAMASO — identity project for a Ukrainian futuristic clothes brand. YAMASO is a newborn Ukrainian futuristic clothes brand. Its concept is technology, unconventional silhouettes and experimentality. IDENTITY AND DESIGN SYSTEM: The inspiration for the collections was found in Japanese fashion and culture — asymmetrical cuts in a futuristic style showed this to us. So we again turned to minimalism in all aspects: colors, fonts, shootings, shapes — as is usual for the Japanese way.
YAMASO — identity project for a Ukrainian futuristic clothes brand. YAMASO is a newborn Ukrainian futuristic clothes brand. Its concept is technology, unconventional silhouettes and experimentality. IDENTITY AND DESIGN SYSTEM: The inspiration for the collections was found in Japanese fashion and culture — asymmetrical cuts in a futuristic style showed this to us. So we again turned to minimalism in all aspects: colors, fonts, shootings, shapes — as is usual for the Japanese way.