Fan worship is akin to religious worship, and what boy band has had a more rabid fanbase than One Direction? A ‘bible’ is defined as a book regarded as authoritative within a particular sphere. This book’s contents are from crowd-sourced information by real, dedicated Directioners who lovingly compiled their fan knowledge into articles on WikiHow. The copy was then visually translated into the format of a medieval bible manuscript to reflect the undying devotion of a true fan/follower/acolyte.
Fan worship is akin to religious worship, and what boy band has had a more rabid fanbase than One Direction? A ‘bible’ is defined as a book regarded as authoritative within a particular sphere. This book’s contents are from crowd-sourced information by real, dedicated Directioners who lovingly compiled their fan knowledge into articles on WikiHow. The copy was then visually translated into the format of a medieval bible manuscript to reflect the undying devotion of a true fan/follower/acolyte.