Photographer needed for a lookbook in Paris on 1/23.
Aidan Cullen
Photographer, Director
Creative Producer needed for an event.
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The NOVA portfolio was built to give clients the right information for hiring and allow creatives to showcase their work to a world-class audience.
A24 - 'I Saw the TV Glow' Packaging Design
Chase Shewbridge
Art Director, Graphic Designer
CR Fashion Book Cover I Kylie Jenner
Alana O'Herlihy
Creative Director, Photographer
Yaeji Tour Design
Claire Gillen
Creative Director, Director, Photographer
Bella Hadid - Perfect Magazine Cover
Mara Weinstein
No Lie - Adidas AE1
Creative Director, Director
Altered States
Dylan Chavles
Groomer, Hair Stylist
Esther Foster
Groomer, Makeup Artist
Dua Lipa - Training Season
Dante Pasquinelli
Bad Bunny - Monaco
Stay Cool with Vice
Nik Arthur
Animator, Director
Kim Shui FW24
Violet Smith
Kendrick Lamar - N95
Neal Farmer
Director, Editor
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We're shooting 24 campaigns a year now, so I'm having to build 2 crews a month, usually from scratch. We are always looking for upcoming talent who can execute the creative idea well and work within our budget...NOVA is the only place to find those people quickly.
Alex “2Tone” Erdmann
Born x RaisedBefore NOVA, nothing like this by creatives for creatives had ever existed for us. NOVA has genuinely helped keep a roof over my head and keep me plugged into what is going on in this industry! I'm very grateful for it.
Rafael Avcioglu
PhotographerNOVA has been a fundamental part of my small business for the last 2 years. NOVA has been my secret weapon to pull off productions of all sizes; and provides a solution to ever changing client needs and requests.
Jared Craft
Craft AlanAs a producer, I often need to hire someone within the hour. NOVA is the only app that works as quickly as my mind does.
Xulani Akel
Freelance ProducerI have to oversee almost a hundred artists and we have so many projects of varying sizes that we constantly need help executing on. NOVA has been the perfect place for my team and I to do this quickly and be able to trust the talent.
Kevin Kloecker
Capital RecordsNOVA has not only given me consistent work to build my portfolio, but it even helped me get the attention of agencies like CAA, and ultimately signed. Thank you, NOVA, for being a comprehensive platform that genuinely helps freelance artists build careers from the ground up.
Violet Smith
Director of Photography